Process of a Contact Lens Exam

The eye is a very complicated part of the body. As much as all eyes play the same role, correcting vision problems is unique to not only an individual but to a specific eye. So, if you choose to go for contact lenses to correct your vision, your doctor will take you through a series of tests.

Contact lenses are amazing and complicated. For the lenses to correct the numerous vision-related complications, they have to adapt to the shape of the eye. Therefore, an eye professional will take an individual through some scans and tests using different medical devices.


Is the Process Costly?


The cost of a contact lens exam will largely depend on where you live and the institutions you visit to get the exam. However, to get a better understanding of the cost, you can compare it to the normal eyeglass exam. The contact lens exam will encompass all the tests of an eyeglass exam and more. So, you can expect the cost to be at least twice as expensive as a normal eyeglass exam.

The eye exams you should expect to go through include:


A Standard Eye Test


An eye professional will conduct a standard eye exam on both your eyes to understand where to begin. Some of the tests here include the refraction test, retinoscopy, and cover test among others. He or she will also examine the surface of the eyes, especially if you were previously using contact lenses.


Contact Lens Expectation


Contact lenses come with features that an individual can opt to have that do not necessarily have any health implications. You may want to have contacts that change your eye color — some can enhance your eye color. You can opt for overnight contacts, or even go for disposable lenses. Your comfort, when choosing these lenses, should be a priority, so your doctor will also consider your age as well as other conditions such as dry eyes.


Measuring the Surface of the Eye


For the perfect fit, an eye professional must get accurate measurements of your eyes. Your doctor must measure the eye’s curvature, the size of the iris, as well as the size of the pupil. A mistake here can lead to discomfort in the eye as well as poor vision. The ideal contact lens will compensate for any issues or irregularities in the shape or surface of the eye.


Evaluation of the Tear Film


Your eye doctor will evaluate the tear film, especially if you are suffering from dry eyes. This evaluation will help in determining whether the tears produced can support a contact lens comfortably. An individual with dry eyes should not wear the contact lenses developed using old technology. However, the newer ones are still a good option.


Contact Lens Fitting


After your eye doctor is through with checking the eye’s alignment and its movement, he or she will fit a pair of lenses to give you a feel of the real thing. He or she will see the changes required and if everything appears to be fine, he or she will give you the trial lenses to wear for a few days. If after the trial period the lenses live up to their expectations, the doctor will do another follow-up exam. After a successful test, the doctor can get you the contact lenses you should wear.

Make sure to go for a follow-up exam at a date that your eye doctor will tell you. In the follow-up exam, the doctor will evaluate your comfort and check whether the lenses are damaging the eye in any way.


If you want to find out more about contact lens exams, visit Auglaize Family Eye Care at our offices in Wapakoneta, Ohio. You can also call (419) 775-4300 to book an appointment.

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